Counseling and Guidance Program

The Counseling and Guidance Program (CGP) aims to provide assistance to all enrolled students of UPOU by helping them to utilize their potentials to the fullest according to their abilities, interests and needs. For inquiries about personal, social and emotional support, and career guidance, please send an email to [email protected].

OSA Psychosocial Online Support Hub

OSA Psychosocial Online Support Hub is an initiative of the Counseling and Guidance Program (CGP), Office of Student Affairs (OSA) of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA). OSA is committed to providing you with appropriate student services.

Let us know of your inquiries and/or concerns by filling out this form: The OSA Psychosocial Online Support Hub

The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Office of Student Development Services (OVPAA-OSDS) Student Welfare Division share the Mental Health Directory to connect students with individuals and organizations that offer various mental health services.

Mental Health Webinar Series

Open Talks

Open Talk is a one-hour public service program broadcasted in real-time over the UPOU Networks website and UPOU Networks Facebook page.

Student Wellness Subsidy Program

The UP SW Subsidy Program is a grant to reduce the cost of prescribed medication and other mental health services. The subsidy covers a portion of the cost of medicines and professional services that mental health professionals prescribe. It is a means of encouraging students to comply with the treatment prescribed by their health professionals.

The subsidy of 7,500 per semester covers a portion of the treatment cost. During the semester, grantees selected by the CU Student Affairs Units shall receive the full amount. Since the Program aims to address an urgent and specific need, rules on the maximum benefits students may receive as financial assistance will not apply.

Eligibility Criteria

All bonafide UP students (i.e., Students enrolled in Certificate Programs, Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students) who were advised to seek professional help, treatment, and medications for their mental health condition may apply to the SW Subsidy Program. There are no grade or minimum load requirements.


  1. SW Subsidy Application Form
  2. Referral Form from a Mental Health Professional who must accomplish the UP-SW Subsidy Referral Form

The deadline for the application is May 3, 2024 (Friday).

For further inquiries, feel free to send us a message at [email protected].

Downloadable Forms